End to End IT Landscape

Feature Flag Platforms – Should I Build or Buy?

JUN, 2023

by Jane Temov.


Author Jane Temov

Jane Temov is an IT Environments Evangelist at Enov8, specializing in IT and Test Environment Management, Test Data Management, Data Security, Disaster Recovery, Release Management, Service Resilience, Configuration Management, DevOps, and Infrastructure/Cloud Migration. Jane is passionate about helping organizations optimize their IT environments for maximum efficiency.

Feature flags have become an indispensable tool in the world of software development, allowing developers to manage features in a controlled and targeted manner. As companies recognize the importance of feature flagging, they are faced with a crucial decision: should they build their own feature flag platform or purchase a ready-made solution? This decision carries significant implications for a company’s development processes, efficiency, and long-term success.

In this post, we will explore the merits of both building and buying feature flag solutions. We will delve into the advantages of developing a custom platform, such as the flexibility to tailor it to specific needs and integrate seamlessly with existing infrastructure. We will also highlight the benefits of buying a ready-made solution, including immediate availability, access to expertise, and pre-existing features.

By examining these two options, we aim to help readers make an informed decision that aligns with their company’s unique requirements and objectives. Whether you are a startup with limited resources, a rapidly scaling organization, or an industry regulated by strict compliance standards, we will provide insights and considerations to guide your choice.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to build or buy a feature flag platform requires a thoughtful evaluation of various factors, including technical capabilities, time constraints, budgetary considerations, and long-term scalability. So, let us embark on this exploration, weighing the advantages and challenges of both options, to determine the most suitable path for your company’s feature flag management journey.

Enov8 Databrick: Feature Flag Status across our Systems & Environments

Enov8 Databrick Feature Flag

What are Feature Flags?

Before delving deeper into the decision of whether to build or buy a feature flag solution, it’s essential to understand what feature flags are and their significance in software development.

Feature flags, also known as feature toggles or feature switches, are a software development technique that allows developers to control the visibility and behavior of specific features within an application. They act as conditional statements that determine whether a particular feature is enabled or disabled for different users or user groups.

Feature flags offer numerous benefits for software development teams. They provide a level of control and flexibility, allowing developers to release new features gradually, perform A/B testing, roll back changes easily, and gather valuable user feedback. By decoupling feature deployment from code releases, feature flags enable teams to deploy and manage features independently, reducing the risk of deploying unfinished or buggy features.

Feature flags also facilitate the practice of continuous delivery, where new features can be released to production in a controlled manner without disrupting the overall stability of the application. This iterative approach empowers development teams to iterate quickly, gather insights, and make data-driven decisions for feature development and optimization.

Moreover, feature flags support a range of use cases beyond feature management. They can be utilized for progressive rollouts, dark launches, targeted user experiences, experimentation, and can even serve as a means to control access to specific functionality based on user roles or permissions.

In summary, feature flags are a powerful technique that provides developers with fine-grained control over feature deployment, experimentation, and user experiences. By strategically leveraging feature flags, software development teams can deliver features with confidence, mitigate risks, and enhance the overall development process.

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Building Your Own Feature Flag Platform

Building a custom feature flag platform offers companies a range of advantages and opportunities for customization. Here, we will explore the benefits that come with developing a tailored solution and how it can align with your specific needs and development processes.

A. Flexibility and Customization: One of the primary advantages of building your own feature flag platform is the flexibility it provides. By developing a custom solution, you have the freedom to design and configure the platform precisely according to your requirements. You can incorporate specific functionalities, workflows, and controls that are essential to your development process. This level of customization allows for optimized feature flag management, ensuring seamless integration with your existing systems and enabling a smooth workflow for your development team.

B. Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Building your own platform offers the advantage of seamless integration with your company’s existing infrastructure. Since the platform is developed in-house, you have the opportunity to align it perfectly with your internal systems, APIs, and programming languages. This integration eliminates compatibility issues and ensures a cohesive workflow, enabling your team to leverage existing tools and processes seamlessly. By leveraging your existing infrastructure, you can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on adapting and integrating third-party solutions.

C. Competitive Advantage: A custom feature flag platform provides a unique opportunity for competitive advantage. By tailoring the platform specifically to your company’s needs, you can differentiate yourself from competitors who rely on off-the-shelf solutions. With a custom platform, you have the flexibility to experiment with feature variations, conduct A/B testing, and create personalized user experiences. This level of control and agility allows you to iterate quickly, adapt to market demands, and deliver exceptional features that set you apart from the competition.

D. Security and Compliance: For companies operating in regulated industries or handling sensitive data, building a custom feature flag platform offers enhanced security and compliance capabilities. With full control over the platform’s security protocols, access permissions, and compliance processes, you can ensure that your feature flag management aligns with industry standards and regulatory requirements. This level of control and transparency provides peace of mind, mitigates risks, and protects sensitive data, which is crucial in today’s data-driven landscape.

E. Long-Term Cost Efficiency: While building a feature flag platform requires an upfront investment of time and resources, it can offer long-term cost efficiency. Unlike ready-made solutions that often involve licensing fees or recurring subscription costs, once your custom platform is developed, the ongoing maintenance and improvement costs can be relatively lower. Additionally, as your company grows and scales, the cost per user or feature flag can decrease significantly. Building your own platform allows you to have full control over the costs, ensuring that you allocate resources effectively and efficiently.

In the next section, we will explore the advantages of purchasing a ready-made feature flag solution and how it can address specific needs and requirements.

Buying a Ready-Made Feature Flag Solution

While building a custom feature flag platform offers unique advantages, purchasing a ready-made solution also presents compelling benefits. In this section, we will explore why buying a feature flag solution can be a viable option for companies looking for immediate availability, expert support, pre-existing features, scalability, and reduced maintenance responsibilities.

A. Immediate Availability and Time-to-Market: One of the primary advantages of buying a ready-made feature flag solution is its immediate availability. These solutions are typically developed and refined by specialized teams, ensuring that they are market-ready and easily deployable. By purchasing a ready-made solution, you can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on the development and testing phases. This allows you to quickly implement feature flagging in your software development process and accelerate your time-to-market.

B. Expertise and Support: Ready-made feature flag solutions come with the added benefit of access to the expertise and support of the solution provider. These providers specialize in feature flag management, offering comprehensive documentation, best practices, and dedicated support channels. Leveraging their expertise can help your team navigate implementation challenges, optimize feature flag usage, and ensure efficient utilization of the platform’s capabilities. This expert support can save your team valuable time and effort while providing valuable insights into feature flagging strategies.

C. Pre-Existing Features and Integration: Ready-made feature flag solutions often come with a wide range of pre-existing features and integrations. These features are developed based on industry best practices and feedback from a diverse range of customers. By purchasing a ready-made solution, you can leverage these features immediately, without the need for additional development efforts. Additionally, these solutions typically offer seamless integrations with popular development tools, frameworks, and languages, simplifying the implementation process and reducing potential integration challenges.

D. Scalability and Maintenance: Purchasing a ready-made feature flag solution relieves your team of the burden of scalability and ongoing maintenance. These solutions are designed to handle large-scale implementations and are equipped to handle high traffic and complex flagging scenarios. The solution provider takes care of infrastructure scaling, performance optimization, and ongoing maintenance, ensuring a reliable and efficient platform. This allows your team to focus on core development tasks and strategic initiatives rather than being burdened with infrastructure management and maintenance responsibilities.

E. Automatic Updates and Improvements: Ready-made feature flag solutions are continually evolving based on market demands and customer feedback. Solution providers regularly release updates and improvements to enhance the platform’s functionality, security, and performance. By purchasing a ready-made solution, you gain access to these automatic updates, ensuring that your feature flag platform stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technological advancements. This eliminates the need for your team to invest resources in developing and implementing these updates, saving time and effort.

In the next section, we will provide guidance on how to make an informed decision between building and buying a feature flag solution, taking into account your company’s specific needs, resources, and strategic objectives.

Evaluate Now

Making the Decision

Deciding whether to build or buy a feature flag solution requires a thoughtful evaluation of your company’s specific needs, resources, and strategic objectives. In this section, we will provide guidance on how to make an informed decision that aligns with your organization’s requirements.

A. Assessing Company Needs and Resources: Begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your company’s needs and resources. Consider factors such as the size and scale of your organization, development capabilities, budgetary constraints, and time constraints. Evaluate the specific requirements of your feature flag management, including the complexity of your feature variations, the need for customization, and any regulatory compliance considerations. Understanding these needs and resources will help you determine the most suitable path forward.

B. Weighing the Pros and Cons: Carefully evaluate the advantages and challenges of both building and buying a feature flag solution. Consider the benefits of building, such as flexibility, customization, competitive advantage, security, and long-term cost efficiency. Similarly, weigh the advantages of buying, including immediate availability, expertise and support, pre-existing features, scalability, and reduced maintenance responsibilities. Compare these pros and cons against your company’s specific needs and resources to determine which option aligns best with your goals.

C. Seeking Expert Advice and Evaluation: Engage relevant stakeholders, including developers, decision-makers, and IT professionals, in the decision-making process. Seek their input and insights, as they can provide valuable perspectives based on their expertise and experience. Additionally, consider consulting with experts or engaging in vendor evaluations. Discuss your requirements and goals with solution providers to gain a deeper understanding of the capabilities and limitations of ready-made solutions. These consultations can offer valuable insights and help you make a more informed decision.

D. Considering Hybrid Approaches: In some cases, a hybrid approach may be appropriate. This involves combining elements of building and buying to create a tailored solution. For example, you may choose to build a core feature flag platform in-house while leveraging third-party tools or services for specific functionalities or integrations. This approach allows you to benefit from the advantages of customization while taking advantage of pre-existing solutions for specific needs.

E. Evaluating Long-Term Scalability: Consider the long-term scalability of your chosen solution. Assess how well it can accommodate your company’s growth, increasing user bases, and evolving feature flag management requirements. Evaluate whether the chosen solution can scale seamlessly as your organization expands and whether it can handle increased traffic, complex flagging scenarios, and evolving compliance standards.


Making the decision to build or buy a feature flag solution requires a thorough evaluation of your company’s needs, resources, and strategic objectives. By assessing your specific requirements, weighing the pros and cons, seeking expert advice, and considering hybrid approaches, you can make an informed decision. Remember to prioritize long-term scalability and alignment with your company’s growth trajectory. With careful consideration, you can choose the option that best suits your organization’s unique needs, enabling successful feature flag implementation and management.​

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