End to End IT Landscape

Understanding Smoke Testing – Ensuring Test Environment Health

AUG, 2023

by Jane Temov.


Author Jane Temov

Jane Temov is an IT Environments Evangelist at Enov8, specializing in IT and Test Environment Management, Test Data Management, Data Security, Disaster Recovery, Release Management, Service Resilience, Configuration Management, DevOps, and Infrastructure/Cloud Migration. Jane is passionate about helping organizations optimize their IT environments for maximum efficiency.

In the realm of software development, ensuring the reliability and functionality of applications is of paramount importance. Central to this process is software testing, which helps identify bugs, glitches, and other issues that could mar the user experience. A critical aspect of software testing best practice is maintaining healthy test environments that mimic real-world usage scenarios. In this post, we will delve into the concept of Smoke Testing (aka Shakeout Testing), a valuable technique for quickly assessing the health of your test environments.


Enov8 IT & Test Environment Manager

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General Theory of Smoke Testing

Smoke Testing, also known as Build Verification Testing, is a preliminary testing phase that aims to determine if the most essential features of an application are working as intended. It involves running a subset of test cases to “smoke out” any major issues that could potentially disrupt further testing. The primary objective of Smoke Testing is to catch show-stopping defects early in the development cycle. By doing so, it prevents wasting time on more extensive testing if the basic functionalities are flawed. It’s important to note that Smoke Testing is not exhaustive. It targets core functionalities and critical paths, not every single feature. Smoke Testing can be executed either manually or through automated scripts. Automated Smoke Tests offer repeatability and speed, while manual tests allow for exploratory assessment.

Components of a Smoke Test

Choose test cases that encompass the core functionalities of the application. These might include login, basic navigation, and primary user interactions. Ensure that the test environment closely mimics the production environment. This includes using the same hardware, software, and configurations to avoid false positives or negatives. Run the selected test cases to validate their functionality. The focus is on quick execution to catch glaring issues. If all selected test cases pass, it suggests that the application’s basic functions are operational. A failure indicates the presence of critical defects that need immediate attention.

Benefits of Smoke Testing

By identifying major issues early, Smoke Testing prevents the unnecessary progression of flawed builds, saving time and effort. Detecting critical defects before investing in extensive testing reduces the need for rework, thus cutting down costs and project delays. Regular Smoke Testing encourages collaboration between development and testing teams. Clear communication about critical issues is facilitated. Nipping critical issues in the bud leads to a higher-quality end product. This fosters user satisfaction and trust.

Best Practices for Effective Smoke Testing

Define Clear Criteria: Establish unambiguous pass/fail criteria for Smoke Tests to minimize subjectivity. Regular Execution: Run Smoke Tests after every significant code change or build. This maintains a consistent quality assessment throughout development. Documentation: Document the selected test cases, their outcomes, and any issues found. This historical record aids in understanding the application’s progress. Collaboration: Foster collaboration between developers and testers. Their combined insights lead to better test case selection and more accurate interpretations.


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Exploring Enov8 Environment Manager

As you seek to optimize your test environment management practices, consider leveraging Enov8 Environment Manager. This comprehensive solution offers a suite of features tailored to ensure the robustness and efficiency of your testing ecosystems.

  • Environment Blueprinting/Modelling: Enov8 facilitates the creation of detailed blueprints or models of your test environments. These visual representations provide insights into components and configurations, aiding in the identification of potential vulnerabilities.
  • Health Dashboards: Gain real-time insights into the status of your test environments through Enov8’s intuitive health dashboards. Effortlessly monitor health metrics and promptly address any anomalies.
  • Notification Capabilities: Stay informed about the health of your test environments with Enov8’s versatile notification capabilities. Receive alerts via email or platforms like Slack, enabling swift responses to emerging issues.
  • Inbuilt Test Synthetics using BBOT: Enov8’s BBOT module empowers you to create rapid test synthetics. These tests validate platform availability for DevTest, streamlining your testing workflows.

Enov8 Health Check: Screenshot

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In the intricate landscape of software development, Smoke Testing stands as a sentinel guarding against the infiltration of major defects. By focusing on the essential, it paves the way for smoother testing processes, higher-quality software, and reliable test environments. Remember, the health of your application and your testing ecosystem are intricately intertwined. Incorporate Smoke Testing into your testing regimen and consider exploring tools like Enov8 Environment Manager to further optimize your testing practices.

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