The Outsourcing Carousel & Enterprise IT Intelligence -Enov8

The Outsourcing Carousel & Enterprise IT Intelligence -Enov8

JANUARY, 2018by Niall Crawford
A key responsibility of any CIO is to find the correct technology partners to deliver IT services.
Ideally services delivered will be:
  • Better
  • Faster
  • Or at very least, Cheaper
A process that involves RFPs, Presentations, Strategy Workshops, Vendor Short Listing & eventual Selection. And it might be added, a process that invariably involves a whole bunch of very smart SMEs (Technology Gods) coming in, advising how it will be done.
JANUARY, 2018by Niall Crawford
A key responsibility of any CIO is to find the correct technology partners to deliver IT services.
Ideally services delivered will be:
  • Better
  • Faster
  • Or at very least, Cheaper
A process that involves RFPs, Presentations, Strategy Workshops, Vendor Short Listing & eventual Selection. And it might be added, a process that invariably involves a whole bunch of very smart SMEs (Technology Gods) coming in, advising how it will be done.

Then the music starts!

  • The Partner’s SMEs are replaced by mere & much cheaper mortals.

In fact, these Techno Gods are never seen again.

  • There is some form of ‘transformational dance’ or, as some call it, a ‘100-day sprint’.

Which to be fair is less of a sprint and more of a zombie shuffle.

  • The process of ‘knowledge transfer’ is blocked by disgruntled employees

That are suddenly somewhat absent or very forgetful.

  • The client’s original SMEs depart.

Leaving nothing to found as the information was in their head.

  • The new staff (i.e. the mortals) go through a whole process of re-learning & re-invention

A process which takes many months and even years to optimise.

  • There is a whole lot of disruption and project delays.

Caused by IT environment instability and IT operational inconsistency and human error.

  • The client eventually loses all comprehension of their IT Landscape & Operations

Leaving behind an inability to analyse behaviour and make effective decisions.

Then, after about 4 or 5 years, the music stops and the whole endeavour starts again. A new transformation with a whole bunch of new ‘kiddies’ that will be:
  • Better
  • Faster
  • Cheaper
Yep! another RFP, a new set of technology partners and the same set of recurring challenges.

A Better Way

At Enov8 we believe that the number one reason organisations struggle so badly with any ‘Transformational Endeavours’ (including outsourcing) is due to a fundamental lack of Enterprise IT Intelligence i.e. lack of visibility across their IT Landscape (systems, processes, relationships) and supporting IT Operations (Application Operations, Data Operations & Infrastructure Operations).

Definition: Enterprise IT Intelligence

Enterprise IT Intelligence is a key framework for supporting successful IT transformation. It encompasses the need to intrinsically understand your IT environments, relationships, operations, and automation; using this complete information for ongoing optimisation, and better IT and business decision making.As such, we offer two suggestions (or cautions) before starting or re-embarking on a transformation.
  1. Never assume the various IT divisions and operations teams have done the right thing with respect to maintaining knowledge about your IT & Test Environments, Systems or Operations. All too often these teams will ‘fly by the seat of their pants’ and rely on information in people’s heads and the occasional heroics.
Tip: Consider your division’s behaviour by using a maturity model like the EMMi.
  1. Don’t assume that the incoming vendor can, or wants to, miraculously turn ‘Lead into Gold’.
Reminisce the Idiom: ‘Garbage in, garbage out’.As we see it, if you haven’t made the effort yourself, then you probably shouldn’t expect the new incumbent to create more work for themselves – (particularly if that work makes it easier for you to switch vendors in the future).

Innovate with Enov8

If you are interested in learning more about ‘Enterprise IT Intelligence’ then contact us about Ecosystem.Enov8 EcoSystem is the worlds leading IT Enterprise Intelligence platform.Ecosystem is a fully configurable and easily integratable solution that comes with out of the box “enterprise management” functions that support IT & Test Environment Management, Release Management, IT Operations Management, Configuration Management & Service Management.
Niall CrawfordNiall is the Co-Founder and CIO of Enov8. He has 25 years of experience working across the IT industry from Software Engineering, Architecture, IT & Test Environment Management and Executive Leadership. Niall has worked with, and advised, many global organisations covering verticals like Banking, Defence, Telecom and Information Technology Services.

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