Data DevSecOps

Enterprise IT Environment: What It Is and How to Define Yours

MAR, 2022

by Justin Reynolds.


Author Justin Reynolds

This post was written by Justin Reynolds. Justin is a freelance writer who enjoys telling stories about how technology, science, and creativity can help workers be more productive. In his spare time, he likes seeing or playing live music, hiking, and traveling.


IT is the foundation of any digital enterprise. It has a hand in just about every process, from the company’s connected utility systems to the digital applications that customers and employees access daily and everything in between. 

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With this in mind, enterprises today have multiple IT environments with different functions and needs. Keep reading to learn about some of the various enterprise IT environments, their uses, and how to define them.

What Is an Enterprise IT Environment?

An enterprise IT environment is a system for managing digital processes. The term IT environment can refer to software or underlying networking and computing components.

At a high level, there are three types of enterprise IT environment architectures to know about.

1. On-premises 

In an on-prem IT environment, computing infrastructure lives on-site in a private data center. On the one hand, on-premises IT environments offer maximum control and transparency over software and hardware. But on the other, they are also very expensive and require daily maintenance.

What’s more, it can be challenging to upgrade on-prem environments. After all, you need to be able to install and configure hardware, which is no easy feat. Add it all up, and both needs can become quite costly.

2. Cloud 

Cloud-based IT components live in private, managed environments. You can choose from private or public—or shared—cloud environments, depending on the level of security and customization that you require.

With proper management and support, cloud environments can improve efficiency, strengthen security, and increase uptime. At the same time, enterprise cloud IT environments can also be tough to manage and secure. What’s more, cost savings and ROI can take several months or even years to accumulate. Businesses often waste money and increase technical debt by rushing into the cloud without the right plan. 

As such, it’s essential to make sure your business has the resources in place to handle a transition to the cloud before diving in. While the cloud can be a great resource, it might not suit every organization or workflow.

3. Hybrid

Hybrid enterprise IT environments leverage a mix of on-prem and cloud infrastructure, giving the organization the best of both worlds. These environments also enable businesses to prioritize certain workloads on-site and leverage the cloud when it makes sense to do so. 

For example, a company might decide to store its most sensitive data on servers it owns while leveraging public cloud resources to handle less sensitive data.

Different Enterprise IT Environments to Know About 


Most companies today are spread out over large geographical distances. As a result, businesses are expanding their networking environments to accommodate and secure remote and on-site users. Networks are becoming increasingly software-defined, with virtual wide-area networking (WAN) frameworks that utilize various transport services like broadband and multiprotocol label switching (MPLS). 


As companies become more and more digital, they also have to modernize and upgrade their security defenses. Companies are increasingly relying on automation and AI to streamline security workflows and prevent bad actors from disrupting their operations. 

Security teams protect against a variety of threats. Examples include malware, ransomware, distributed denial of service (DDoS), brute force, and phishing. Today, many security teams are also responsible for identity access management (IAM) and enforcing policies that limit data exposure and account takeovers.


Companies that produce software usually set up dedicated development environments where engineers can create and modify software code without impacting end users. Overall, development environments are for programming and designing software. 

Companies use centralized development environments where developers share access to resources and repositories. This helps ensure security, consistency, and data governance. It also provides more opportunities for communication and collaboration.


Suffice it to say that end users today have high expectations when using software. To drive repeat sales and generate positive user reviews, you need to offer software that functions optimally and meets user expectations. 

To accomplish this, developers often set up dedicated testing environments that closely mirror live production. Common tests include acceptance, unit, functional, performance, regression, and usability testing.


Once software is ready to be used, it flows into a live production environment. At this stage, end users can interact with software in real time, taking advantage of the latest features. 

To optimize performance and deliver a great user experience, you need to monitor your software actively and collect user feedback. As such, testing is one of the most important parts of the post-production process. Efficient and accurate testing can enable software improvements and help increase and maintain subscription rates.

How to Define Your Enterprise IT Environment

At the end of the day, your IT environment will impact just about every facet of your business. As such, it’s important to consider your underlying systems and infrastructure and make sure they align with your business and its objectives. 

Here are some tips that you can use to define your ideal enterprise IT environment.

Outline Your Goals 

Think about your business and its primary medium- to long-term objectives. Once you determine your objectives, you’ll have a better idea of the size and scope of the network and computing infrastructure that you need. 

For example, a small startup that’s trying to expand internationally would most likely do better in the public cloud than trying to manage their software on-site. On the other hand, a small- to medium-size business with one or two branch locations in the same area might be able to get away with on-prem infrastructure.

Automate Workflows 

More and more companies are using automation to streamline manual workflows and also improve uptime and productivity. With automation, IT teams can ditch manual tasks and use technology to take care of busywork. This gives them more time to focus on the most important tasks.

Workflow automation can help with trouble ticketing, security testing, quality testing, scheduling, resource management, and more. It can also reduce back-end work, making life easier for IT personnel.

Assign Leaders

Most IT environments operate with a high level of autonomy and trust. Even still, it’s crucial to assign team leaders to oversee specific functions, maintain quality standards, and make budget requests.

Maintain Transparency

To effectively manage and control your IT and test environments, you need to have full end-to-end visibility. Without a high level of transparency, you will have a harder time ensuring uptime and maintaining fast and reliable service operations.

Having full transparency can also help avoid footprint over-proliferation. As such, you will have an easier time identifying areas of waste and maintaining a lean IT environment. 

How Enov8 Can Help

Enterprise IT environments are becoming larger and more complex with each passing year. Unfortunately, this spells trouble for IT managers—especially those with tight budgets and limited resources. After all, it’s very easy to lose track of your IT department as it grows, which can lead to overspending, underperformance, and security blunders.

Enov8 makes management easy by serving as a one-stop shop for controlling IT and test environments. Our purpose-built platform covers a variety of needs ranging from governance to real-time data analysis.

The platform is also very flexible and can integrate easily with other SDLC tools through Enov8 Webhooks or Open RestAPI. In other words, there isn’t any need to replace the other tools you’re currently using.

So, are you ready to experience Enov8 in action? Check out a free browser demo today.

Other Reading

Interested in reading more about Test Environment Management. Why not start here:

Enov8 Blog: Your Essential Test Environment Management Checklist

Enov8 Blog: What makes a good Test Environment Manager

Enov8 Blog: Understanding the Types of Test Environments

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