Revolutionizing TDM for DevOps with Enov8 vME

Revolutionizing TDM for DevOps with Enov8 vME

Revolutionizing TDM for DevOps with Enov8 vME JUL, 2023 by Andrew Walker.   Author Andrew Walker Andrew Walker is a software architect with 10+ years of experience. Andrew is passionate about his craft, and he loves using his skills to design enterprise solutions...
Data Cloning (aka Virtualization) – An Introduction

Data Cloning (aka Virtualization) – An Introduction

Data Cloning (aka Virtualization) – An Introduction MAR, 2023 by Gourav Bais. Author Gourav Bais. Edited by Jane Temov This post was written by Gourav Bais.Gourav is an applied machine learning engineer skilled in computer vision/deep learning pipeline...
What is Data Friction – From the perspective of TDM

What is Data Friction – From the perspective of TDM

What is Data Friction – From the perspective of TDM MAR, 2023 by Jane Temov.   Author Jane Temov Jane Temov is an IT Environments Evangelist at Enov8, specializing in IT and Test Environment Management, Test Data Management, Data Security, Disaster...
How to Value Stream DataOps?

How to Value Stream DataOps?

How to Value Stream DataOps? 24 NOVEMBER, 2021 by Daniel Paes Enhancements on data ingestion made evident the amount of data lost when generating insights. However, without guidance from methodologies like The DataOps Manifesto, some companies are still struggling to...