How enov8 can help you achieve true DevOps



by Rohit Gupta

DevOps is a set of practices that automates the processes between software development and IT teams, which allows them to build, test, and release software faster and more reliably. The concept of DevOps is based on collaboration between teams that historically functioned in relative siloes. This blog will outline how to implement DevOps successfully, and how enov8 can assist in achieving this.

Key Benefits of DevOps


  • Faster Software Release
  • Quick Issue Resolution
  • Improved Communication and collaboration
  • Faster delivery of features
  • Early Detection and faster correction of defects
  • Quality Improvement

Organisations these days are jumping into DevOps bandwagon, with multiple toolsets being used by different teams to achieve the same. There is a huge investment being made in getting new tools & training and at the same time no focus is being given on the use of existing toolset.

Enov8 ecosystem is a unique solution for Environment & Release Management which acts as an umbrella on your existing IT framework and helps in leveraging the existing or new tools to achieve true DevOps at Scale function.

It helps organisations with this by providing the following unique features.


Understanding your environment landscape

The ecosystem platform helps the organisation to visualize how their IT environments look like and the dependencies within each components. It also enables users to understand the dependencies application components have on business process and services. This allows the teams to proactively plan their DevOps setup and measures to manage risks in case of failures.

Increasing Demand View

Ecosystem helps organisations to capture the demand for their various components. This helps them to forecast the areas which can be targeted as high priority for automation, to reduce manual efforts of release and deployment. This view also helps in pro-actively planning and co-ordinating DevOps activities.

Automation & Orchestration

Automation is the heart of achieving the DevOps dream. Ecosystem using automation helps in standardizing Build, Deploy and Test activities, while promoting existing application automation toolsets. It can help in invoking pre-defined automation tasks as per requirements. It also helps organisation to understand which tasks are being done manually and can be automated to reduce time and effort.


Ecosystem has strong integration and API capabilities which can be used to invoke and integrate with existing or 3rd party applications. Ecosystem acts as an umbrella on top of these applications to leverage the right capabilities. It also helps in standardizing configuration, provisioning & decommissioning activities while promoting existing infrastructure toolsets through seamless integration.

Dashboards & Reporting

Ecosystem helps in moving away from manual spreadsheets, emails and other makeshift methods for reporting, allowing for effective reporting on activity, behaviour, usage & availability. It has inbuilt dashboards and a reporting engine which allows vizualisation of data from different perspectives. Dashboards can be created for stakeholders to provide them a high-level view of the progress or status. Simultaneously, application teams can use dashboards to collaborate and communicate with other teams instead of wasting time writing reports and emails.

Effective Collaboration

Successful team collaboration is one of the key factors for effective DevOps practice. Ecosystem enables teams to collaborate with each other by providing them a platform which gives them visibility of key information required for effective decision making and operations.


To learn how enov8 can help you implementing DevOps at Scale and standardizing your operations, contact us for a demonstration today.

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